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Write! It's on the "tip" of my pencil!

Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynn Truss

Is there any punctuation mark more misunderstood (and misused) as a comma? Through cleverly illustrated examples, readers may just begin to understand how, and when, to place this helpful punctuation mark.

Role: Teacher

Audience: ___(choice) Grade Level

Form: Test Question

Topic: Correct use of the comma

Strong Verb: Review

Written Prompt: You are a teacher at the Grammar School. You are frustrated by the misuse of the comma by your _____grade students even though you have taught the “rules” for using a comma correctly. Write a test question to review the use of the comma and encourage the students to always use the comma properly.

(informative/explanatory text type)

These two prompts link with the Common Core State Standards of Writing for Grades K-2.  Beginning in 2014, all students in the primary grades will need to begin writing using the nonfiction genre.  Get a head start with our fantastic prompts for nonfiction. An added feature of our R.A.F.T.S prompts is that we include the text type that the student will be using (Opinion/Argument, Informative/Explanatory/ or Narrative) for his writing focus.

Teachers Pay Teachers


Role:  Comma

Audience: other punctuation marks 

Form: Monologue (any writing in which a single person speaks alone)

Topic: Introducing your (comma’s) finest qualities

Strong Verb: Fantasize

Written Prompt: You are a comma. You have been anxious to speak to all the other punctuation marks found in books, posted on the bulletin boards, and displayed around the classroom. You fantasize about a monologue you would write to get the other punctuation marks to recognize your true importance and finest qualities, encouraging young writers to use you correctly. Write your fantasy monologue.

(narrative text type)

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Carolyn McMahon
2795 Rossmere Street
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80919